
[영어표현] "알다"의 여러가지 표현

히또아빠 2023. 1. 24. 15:51

1.know: 사실, 정보를 알고 있는 상태.
I know the way there.
I don't know why there are so many people there.
Everyone doesn't know what is important tings.

2.understand: 이해하다지만 알다로도 많이 쓰임.
I understand how you feel.
I uderstand why you did that but I don't agree with your decision.
I don't understand it.

3.find out: 몰랐던 사실, 정보를 알게되다. 그 과정, 변화를 이야기함.
I found out about that just yesterday.
- just yesterday: 어제서야 4.figure out: 어떤 상황이나 문제에서 방법을 찾게되고 알게된것. 알게됐어.
I figured out how to use it.
I figured out how to set up the mac.

5.realize: 몰랐던 문제가 뭔지 깨달아 알다. notice랑 느낌이 비슷함, 가장 큰차이는 realize는 머릿속에서 이루어지는 것.
I finally realized what the problem was. 6.notice: 알리다라는 뜻이 아님. notify가 알리다임. 뭔가를 보고 바뀐점 특이한점을 캐치하다는 의미.
I saw my friend at school today and I noticed that she had gotten a haircut.
I ran into my friend on the street this morning, and I noticed she looked a little different
- ran into: 마주치다
I noticed you were drinking a lot of coffee today, did you have trouble sleeping last night?

7.recognize: 알아차리다 라고 해석가능, 정확히는 보고 뭔지 알다, 누군지 알다.
This morning someone said hello to me on the street, but I didn't recognize him.
She looked very familiar, but I couldn't recognize her.
If you saw your boyfriend's handwriting, would you recognize it?

8.be aware of ~: 어떤 것의 존재 여부를 알다. 상황 존재 인지.
I wasn't aware of that policy.
We are aware of the rules.
They were not aware of the situation at the time.

9.be familiar with ~: 어떤 사물들에 익숙하다. 숙지하고있는 상태, know well은 사람한테 씀.
I am not very familiar with this topic.
Are you familiar with like this situation?

10.tell: 지식이 아닌 판단에 대한것, 판단하다. 말하다 말고 판단해서 알다라는 뜻이 있음.
I can't tell what it says.
I can't tell how they are different.
Can you tell what this is?


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